  1. March 27, 2023: Dr. Bo Li, Fudan University Fundamental Research Special Zone Project grant.
  2. January 10, 2023: Min Zhang (postdoc), Fudan Super Postdoc Award.
  3. December 1, 2022: Cihang Kong (co-PI), the Distinguished Talent Introduction Project, the Fudan University Medical Engineering Integration Project.
  4. November 18, 2022: Yujie Xiao (postdoc), postdoctoral grant (listed as 635th in the table).
  5. September 10, 2022: Three lab members have received NSF funding: Bo Li (Young Elite), Cihang Kong (Youth Basic), and Yujie Xiao (Youth Basic).
  6. July 1, 2022: Bo Li, a project from the Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan in the field of basic research.
  7. June 1, 2022: Cihang Kong (co-PI) has been awarded the Shanghai High-Level Talent Introduction Project.
  8. July 1, 2022: Bo Li awarded a sub-project of the Shanghai Municipal Major Science and Technology Initiative.
  9. May 5, 2022: NRR Journal features eight young reviewers in the article "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves, Sailing with the Wind."
    2022年5月5日,NRR Journal: "乘风破浪谱新章,风起扬帆正当时"
  10. Jan 27, 2022: Fudan University President Jin Li visited Mr. Bo Li's microscopic optics laboratory. Bo Li showcased the two-photon microscope, three-photon microscope, and animal behavior equipment developed by the research group.
  11. October 22, 2021: Bo Li has been awarded the Youth Oriental Scholar, Shanghai Surface Project, and Key Laboratory of Health Information Science External Opening Project.
  12. July 1, 2021: Bo Li served as the guest editor for the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience.
    2021年7月1日,Frontiers in Neuroscience:李博担任杂志Frontiers in Neuroscience的客座编辑。
  13. December 1, 2020: Bo Li has been awarded the Quest for Outstanding Youth, Everest Talent Cultivation Project, and Shanghai High-Level Talent Introduction Project.
  14. July 22, 2020: Bo Li served as the guest editor for the journal Photonics.
  15. May 18, 2020: OPTICA and Coherent Inc. announced Bo Li as the Bernard J. Couillaud Prize winner.
    2020年5月18日,OPTICA:OPTICA和Coherent Inc.宣布李博为Bernard J. Couillaud奖获得者。

Open Postdoc Positions

We have postdoctoral openings for PhDs with backgrounds in optics, neurobiology, or engineering. We are looking for candidates who are driven, curious, and collegial to join our team. Please contact the PI directly with a CV and a brief summary of research interest.

Open Graduate/Undergraduate Positions

We have openings for Graduate/Undergraduate students. We are looking for graduate students from a wide range of fields, such as neuroscience, optics, computer science, biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, etc. Prospective students are strongly encouraged to contact the PI early in the application process.